Life Study

Studies: Here’s a good question to ponder often – What’s the right rate between responsibility and reward? On negotiation: One must negotiate with yourself, and not tyrannize yourself. Just as one should negotiate with people they will spend days, and years with i.e. life partner and your own soul. You must learn how to effectively negotiate. […]

Sales Stats

I found this research online and thought its’ contents were extremely valuable to a businessperson, especially people who sell anything (so everyone…) Here they are: 1. The best time to cold call is between 4:00-5:00pm. The second best is 8:00-10:00am. The worst times are 11:00am and 2:00pm. (InsideSales and Kellogg School of Business) 2. Thursday […]

Commodities Highest Returning Asset Class 2018

So far, commodities are crushing your ROI investment in the financial markets. Take a look at this research by Visual Capitalist. Commodities and gold are the best performing asset classes of 2018 thus far. My questioning comes down to this – are we in a reset phase? Is a bear market in the S&P500 looming? I […]