Sales Stats

I found this research online and thought its’ contents were extremely valuable to a businessperson, especially people who sell anything (so everyone…)

Here they are:

1. The best time to cold call is between 4:00-5:00pm. The second best is 8:00-10:00am. The worst times are 11:00am and 2:00pm. (InsideSales and Kellogg School of Business)

2. Thursday is the best day to prospect. Wednesday is the second best day. Tuesday is the worst day. (InsideSales)

3. In 2007 it took an average of 3.68 cold call attempts to reach a prospect. Today it takes 8 attempts. (TeleNet and Ovation Sales Group)

4. 80% of sales require 5 follow-up calls after the meeting. 44% of sales people give up after 1 follow-up. (The Marketing Donut)

5. After a presentation, 63% of attendees remember stories. Only 5% remember statistics. (Chip and Dan Heath)

6. 70% of people make purchasing decisions to solve problems. 30% make decisions to gain something. (Impact Communications)

7. Each year, you’ll lose 14% of your customers. (BusinessBrief)

8. Prospects that buy have 58% more objections than prospects who don’t. Learn to appreciate objections as they provide opportunities to solve customer problems.

9. The #1 reason Customers buy from you isn’t service, selection, quality or price — it’s your confidence! (Guerilla Selling)

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