3rd Industrial Revolution

For my career, I’m all in with technology. I think digital and computer are the last frontiers of worthy work, passionate labor opportunities, and money. Lots and lots of money to be made here.

who doesn’t love more money?

After (and continuing) to study all about digital marketing has made it clear that businesses all over the world are putting more and more money into digital marketing. If you’re not online, you don’t exist. Welcome to the 3rd industrial revolution. A world where everyone and everything is connected to the internet of things and the marginal cost to deliver products and services to “the network” will be almost zero.

There’s a new concept called aggregate efficency I’ve become fascinated with as it’s tied inexorbitally with the 3rd inustrial revolution. We’re all aware wages haven’t been rising since the 80’s while worker’s production has increased leaps and bounds. So there’s more producivity in the economy but less money to be acquired. That alone screams societal revolution.

Aggregate efficency can be increased by building website’s, apps, programs, which in turn integrated with the world’s platform i.e. the Internet of things, and volla, you can exponentially increase your productivity while getting paid more.

The exciting part is you don’t need to be a professional developer to get started. First, just get started with your own website. You can learn server scripting, database managedment, front and back end development with one simple tool – Google. A successful startup guy, Pieter Levels, whom I’ve folled for a couple years, explains in many talks “I just google how to build a website, and then learn.”

You don’t need a boot camp. You don’t need college. You need a computer, Internet, and a passion to learn. Most importantly, you need consistency. Resiliance. As times will get boring, but you must push through and keep plugging away at your work. That’s what millionairs understand – perserverence in learning and work. Just stick at it and never quite.

Back to the 3rd industrial revolution. There is a confluence of 3 industires – communication, energy, and transportation. Each one of these ideas will be a separate article, but for now just understand all three industires are colliding.

Boomers have no idea what the hell is happening. Millenials do, but they are in debt (because of the boomer’s policies) and not very many of them have share the values the boomer shared. Those include buy a big freaken home, 401K, with some cars, white picket fence, 2.5 kids and a dog – same old story.

Guess what that story isn’t working for boomers. Do your research and you’ll find people 65+ can’t retire. They don’t have money. Or they depend on social welfare programs that will go bankrupt. We forget that Social Security was made when the worker to retiree ratio was 10:1 while it’s going to be 3:1 in the next 20 years. With a low ratio like this retiree’s won’t have the tax funding necessary to pay for their Social Security checks. And since 76% of all American’s are broke, they surely don’t have enough money in a 401K.

The other pillar boomers are banking on to fund their retirement are pension funds. Some are lucky and they will be covered. I don’t think the majority of them will. The computer revolution (3rd Industrial Revolution) is literally disrupting entire every industry. Do you honestly think a 30 year old business is going to compete with a small startup team?

They will try and they will fail because big companies move too slow. If they aren’t in tech, they can’t pivot in time to save their cash flow or accounts. And they die along with their pension payouts.

You can’t receive a pension if the company you worked for goes bankrupt.

Returning to the agregate efficency idea. Currently World Economies have a 14-18% aggregate efficiency and these economies are plugged into the 2nd industrial revolution. To understand aggregate efficieny study the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics.

If you understand the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamic you can understand all economic activity.

Aggregate efficiency example. A lion kills an antilope. 20% of the antilopes energy goes back into the lion post consumption. Thus the aggregate efficency for the lion is 20%.

Software, AI, apps, websites – these improve your aggregate efficency thereby reducing your ecological footprint (you should be scared of climate change).

Thus to have a successful career in the 3rd industrial revolution I’m long on technology and believe coding is a new world language, just as fat indebted American’s speak English, the users of the Internet of Things will use open source code.

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