Personal Finance

There’s going to be content about person finance on this blog too, as it relates to money, and money is imporant, awesome, useful, quite lovely. I love money, we all should.

There’s a growing community (mostly in big tech cities) known as the FIRE community which stands for Finance Independance Retire Early.

Honestly, I love the communities ideas. Everyone is sharing their stories on how they are actualizing their financial independance dream to finally “become free” as it’s commonly called. I’m all behind such an idea, believe me, I’ve been obessing over financial independance for many years. I’ve locked myself in my room, public libraries, coffe shops, put my head phones on and shut out the world so I could devour books filled with useful content for practical application in my own life. Yet I think we’re forgetting you will always have responsibilities in life. Responsibilities in life make you who you are.

If you are not responsible for something in life, anything at all, you’re a worm and might as well be crawling around under the dirt where noone can see you, except a hungry bird!

The point I’m making is people in the FIRE communities are aiming for something big, worthy, respectable – I’m aiming at it too – but we can’t forget we should be designing a wonderful Lifestyle Quotient (LQ) along the way. An LQ built around an asset infracture across the industries and lines of work you personally take interest to is a smarty, worthy, useful journey to take in life.


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