Life Study


Here’s a good question to ponder often – What’s the right rate between responsibility and reward?
On negotiation:
One must negotiate with yourself, and not tyrannize yourself. Just as one should negotiate with people they will spend days, and years with i.e. life partner and your own soul. You must learn how to effectively negotiate.
You aren’t your own servant, you have to negotiate with yourself.
On planning:
Plan a life you want to have – have a conversation with yourself as if you didn’t know who you were. Then, proceed to lay out a plan of the sort of life you would love living, or at least very much enjoy living. Not one shackled to the chains of working to pay off liabilities.
Time Waste:
Economic study – people waste 6 hours a day and a person’s worth, on average, is $50 per hour.
You should assume your time is worthwhile. Value your time quite highly. You’ll make more and have more fun.
Macro Economics:
We’re lifting people out of poverty, on a macro scale, at a rate faster than anything history has seen.
Do you have any idea how efficient people of efficiency really are? It’s off the charts if this person adhere’s to the Pareto Principle.

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