Which niche are my readers in?

Business, digital marketing, economics, technology. RankUpVentures’ purpose is to share useful content and build an audience of loyal users.

The above topics are ideas I think are the most important to master for a successful life in the 21st century. A short path to mastery is found by means of teaching other’s what you have learned in an entertaining, creative way (content, design, software). Thus I’ve launched this blog!

Business Example – Real Estate

I’ve purchased a duplex in northern Colorado for $400,000. Approximately 40% of the mortgage is going to be covered by my tenant. The other 60% I will be responsible for and it’s effectively a monthly savings contribution, in my personal viewpoint. Perceiving the business’ main value in terms of appreciation yield is a mistake. Why? Most things affecting appreciate values on any property are outside the control of the landlord. Thus, a business person should focus instead on the property’s cash flow. If you are increasing the properties operational yield, you’ll be doing everything you can to increase property’s appreciation as well. So by focusing on improving cash flow, you also vicariously affect the appreciation of the property to the best of your ability within the confines of a free market system.

It’s rational to spend your time on improving the things you can control versus focusing on the things that you cannot (outside market forces, policy changes, legal changes, etc.)

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