US is trillions of dollars in debt. There has been a 98% decrease in the purchasing power of the dollar since the dollars inception. The more the government prints money, the lower the purchasing power of the dollar will go. Since banks keep printing money, it’sĀ getting harder for lower and middle class people to have […]
Category: Economy
Wealth Research
When people recommend an investor buys physical gold or silver, they are betting on the following to happen.. A financial market crash from a sector bubble bursting resulting in a dramatic drop in the value of your fiat portfolio. The knuckle heads will go to their brokers and/or withdrawal their investments from their brokerage accounts […]
Three Types Of Money
Historically, whenever a country starts printing fake money in droves (America since 1997) it doesn’t turn out well for the people and the economy. Just look at what’s happening to Venezuela. This has large repercussions to the economy that may be covered in another blog. For now, let’s focus on the types of money in […]
Millennials Should Be Building An Asset Infrastructure
Young people need to be using their time and money in ways that effectively set’s up their own pension funds. You need to be buying up and building up assets in real estate and business. We can’t depend on Social Security payments when we turn 65 because of several factors, namely: When SS was created, […]
Future Predictions From Scientist
We can all trust science! Here are some predictions our world is moving toward: Millions upon millions of computer chips will be everywhere. Computers will be everywhere and nowhere i.e. The Matrix By 2020 a computer chip will cost $.01 just like electricity Internet = Prosperity We’ll start communicating with people who speak different languages […]
Economics and Investing
Real estate – if you’re going into real estate, you need to have cash reserversĀ because when the market goes soft, it’s going to cost money finding tenants and filling those vacancies. We don’t like vacancies! I hate them and if they come up, it’s a priority in every sense of the word. With investments, when […]