Every person on planet Earth has problems in their lives. The successful people are the ones who solve their problems. Period.
Successful people turned to their mind to solve problems that put their life closer to their goals. We all have around 6,000 hours of discretionary time per year to use as we see fit. The winners on planet Earth are using this time to expand their mind, to exercise their mind in a fashion which solves their immediate and future problems they will encounter as they work toward new goals.
Write down any idea to improve your work in a journal.
Thinking and planning will get you ahead. It will raise you above common living people where all the money is.
What is really comes down to is putting the hours in. Don’t waste time and attention worrying about problems. It’s been said about 8% of your perceived “problems” are actual problems. Only think and worry about problems that can be improved or worked on.
Do you want to be cargo or a member of the crew? Cargo is thrown off the ship when the economy turns. Thus one should strive to be a critically important crew member.