The Power OF Concentration – Theron Q. Dumont

“It is of the upmost importance and value to learn how to concentrate. To make the greatest success of anything you must be able to concentrate your entire thought upon the idea you are working on. The person that is able to conetrate utilized all constructive thoughts and shuts out all destructive ones. The greatest man would of accomplished nothing if he lacked concentration.”

If you’re dating, wishing to date, focused on a book of clients, wanting to buy a truck, or become financially free, it doesn’t matter. It’s all a method of concentration, and you need to align yourself with the hard work. You need to love the pain, the sacrifice of doing the work because guess what. It WORKS.

Get it?

“It is not the runner with the longest legs or the strongest muscles that wins the race, but the one who can put forth the greatest desire force.”

How bad do you really want it? Are you willing to work 12 hours a day for 3 months straight with no days off to get what you dream of?
…you will win if yes. It’s universal law of energy. The law of thermodynamics proves it.

This point is major:

“The person that never wants anything gets little. To demand resolutely is the firest step toward getting what you want. Done through accessing THE MENTAL DEMAND.

Whenever you make a Mental Demand hold it steadfastly. Just the moment you entertain “doubt” you lose some of the demand force, and force once lost is hard to regain.”

If you want a lot in life you must demand from the universe your lot you truly desire and never let a shed of doubt enter your mind.

We become what we determine to be. Mental Demand’s power can bring us what we want. You must build up in your mind the confidence to believe in it’s abilities.

You must think the life you want to live each day.

When you are working on something, tackle it with the foremost thought that you will make the greatest success of it. To the best of your ability, upon which you are focused on improving.

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