Get Better Not Bitter


Don’t be a bitter.

Look, like is unfair, sometimes really unfair. In my experience, it’s very easy to become a bitter person when a colleague, for example, has benefited in their career when that progress wasn’t earned from performance. That’s extremely frustrating to high performers who pride themselves on hitting goals, getting better, earning more income.

Alas sometimes in life’s journey it doesn’t always play out how you thought it would, or how you believe it should have.

In these times, as hard as it is, because it is hard, you cannot become bitter. You have to become better. Any bitterness is a complete waste of time and energy. 

Perhaps a taste of humility is in order to get better and not bitter – it’s worked for me.

Maybe a change in how business systems are executed to improve top of line performance is in order – it worked for me.

A wonderful sense of lightedness overcomes a professional’s energy centers when their mind is focused on getting better rather than bitter. Landing in the middle of the pack in performance, rather than out front, changes a high performers’ perspective on themselves.

Maybe, just maybe, we can’t always be the best every month. We’re human. Sure type-A people will gawk at this sentiment, rightfully so for type-A folks.

Yet is your quality of life better if you always expect to be the best?

It’s not possible to always be the best. There will always be someone better, fitter, richer, smarter, more creative, more networked, well spoken, taller, tanner – the list will go on and on and on.

What’s the lesson to learn here?

You as an individual need to be your best self. Striving to be better than you were the day before. You don’t need to be better than Frank or Jill down the hall. That’s not your race. Your race should be self development and personal growth.

Become 1% better each and every day and you will not recognize yourself in 1 year. Forecasting and executing this habit over many years will yield amazing personal results thanks to compounding.

1% better every day.

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