Once you become more concerned about how you feel, rather then how smart, funny, or attractive you are, you’ll have the power to be a real creator in your life. Us humans are all little nodes in a giant sea of other energetic beings attracting and repelling circumstance, opportunities, and other people to us via the energy fields we either consciously or unconsciously emit.
Ever heard the phrase ‘garbage in garbage out’? The same applies to fruitful, wealthy thoughts rather than scared, worrisome, belittling thoughts.
There is a idea that if you offer a focused thought for 17 seconds into the world, combustion happens, and the law of attraction sets in. At this moment, the universe is on your side and in some unique way your ideal is going to manifest. If you’re paying attention, you’ll see an opportunity to actualize this potential. But if you’re too busy worrying you’re going to miss it.
When you have achieved a certain vibrational alignment in thought and energy, the discerning eye will be able to pick up on things that are manifesting. This is because source energy recognizes everything you ask for.
When you feel good, that means your in line with your inner being which is a huge success signal. In this state, you’re also in a receptive mode meaning your inner being is receiving what you want to be attracting.
There is a popular understanding of this concept known as “your vortex.” Some people have built their entire business around building people’s vortex’s up and teaching people how to get into your vortex.
This vortex is simply a state of feeling connected, centered to source energy. Everything comes out of this vortex. When you are thinking in receptive mode, your tuning your inner body’s vibrational frequency to attract bigger and better things in life.
Your inner being is what’s standing between you and prosperity. The inner being will not tune to you, rather, you must tune into your inner being.
I part you with – where is your attention at this moment? …that’s where your tuning in.